Max Channel Manager

Maximize your reach by connecting to 500+ Channels worldwide with zero commission on bookings.

Manage your Distribution from a single source and increase your occupancy.

Seamless sync across all channels and PMS

Align all your bookings from OTAs and your website to update rates, availability, and guest data in your PMS and across all connected channels.

Avoid Overbookings with real-time updates

Eliminate overbookings with two way updates to rates and inventory across multiple channels and your PMS.

Simplifying rates & inventory management

Change rates with bulk updates effortlessly and enjoy the advantages of dynamic pricing. Manage rates, availability and restrictions at ease.

Get the right distribution mix with automation

No more admin nightmares

Manual updates across multiple channels are a thing of the past! Manage all your channels from a single source.

Stay informed to stay ahead

Access performance insights across channels at ease to make smarter, data-driven decisions.

Customised Pricing to optimize profits

Automate Pricing, set different pricing with multi-currency options, also tailor automated emails for various channels.

Maximize your visibility and drive more bookings

Widen your online presence and reach a global audience

Distribute your inventory effortlessly to numerous online channels, expanding your reach to new markets and attracting diverse guests.

Streamline promotions from your channel manager

Distribute your inventory effortlessly to numerous online channels, expanding your reach to new markets and attracting diverse guests.

No extra fees, enjoy zero commissions

Connect to multiple channels for free

Connect with 200+ OTAs worldwide and reach out to wider audience with no extra fees.

Increase your visibility and revenue

Boost your revenue and occupancy by expanding your online presence through relevant channel connections.

One place to connect all the industry leading hospitality technologies

No need to jump expensive connection hoops or create a technology stack nightmare for you teams. STAAH integrates with 350+ hospitality technology providers worldwide – the crucial link that enables seamless connectivity and automates occupancy management.

Key Features

Channel Management

Connected to 500+ OTAs
Maximize your property’s reach by listing on 500+ OTAs worldwide. Choose the best platforms for your hotel, hostel, guesthouse, or vacation rental to attract more guests.

Zero commission
There are no extra fees or commissions for connecting to channels. Explore new opportunities and expand your reach without any additional costs.

Content distribution
Keep your content and images up to date with OTA’s like, Expedia & Airbnb and ensure consistency displayed to potential guests with our content distribution to these channels.

Direct API connections
The feature provides a secure and versatile API that enables two-way direct connection with all major and local OTA’s. Benefit from a comprehensive range of OTAs to promote your property and manage your listings efficiently.

Global Distribution System GDS
Expand your reach with Global Distribution Systems (GDS) and connect with 6,00,000 travel agents and corporates through a single source. Benefit from the most powerful tools as large hotels, and grow your business effectively.

Meta Channels
Link up with popular travel metasearch engines, such as Google, Trivago and TripAdvisor, that can drive potential guests directly to your property’s website for direct bookings.

Connectivity Partnership
STAAH is Premier Partner, an Expedia Preferred Partner, an Airbnb Preferred Partner, and a trusted partner for various other leading OTAs worldwide. Make the most out of cutting-edge tools and features from these premium partnerships.

Mobile app
Access to your property’s performance and channel management anytime, anywhere… Monitor bookings and manage distribution on-the-go with instant notifications and a user-friendly interface.

User Permissions
With multi-level authority, you can assign different levels of access and control to different staff members based on their role and responsibilities.

Inventory & Rate Management

Connected to 100+ PMS
Connect to 100+ Property Management Systems (PMS), streamlining operations for centralized distribution. Enjoy real-time updates, automated inventory, and rate management with seamless connectivity between your PMS and OTAs.

Self OTA Mapping
The Self OTA mapping feature, allows you to map your property’s room types and rates to various booking channels. Control your distribution strategy, make real-time updates, save time and resources without any third-party assistance.

Pool inventory
Pool Inventory keeps your real-time inventory accurate by updating available rooms and bookings across all channels. This boosts efficiency, saves resources, and optimizes revenue potential by maximizing occupancy

Drip Feed
Utilize Drip Feed to gradually release your inventory to channels for optimizing revenue and maintaining rate parity. Set the pace for inventory distribution and enhance distribution strategy control.

Auto Stop sell by Time
Auto Stop Sell by Time auto-closes room types or inventory daily to prevent overbooking, ensuring accurate availability on all channels.

Stop Sell limits
Use Stop Sell Limits to cap room availability on booking channels. This feature helps you prevent overbooking and ensuring inventory for walk-ins. Set unique limits per channel for better distribution strategy control.

Channel Specific Pricing
Channel Specific Pricing sets distinct rates per booking channel, aligning with your revenue strategy. Customize pricing based on demand, seasonality, or channel commissions for enhanced pricing control.

Base rate (Master Rates)
Base Rates form the core for all room pricing, including promotions or dynamic rates. Base rates or Master rates are easily adjustable to maintain competitive and flexible pricing across all channels.

OTA Promotions
Control OTA promotions using the STAAH Channel Manager to save time, streamline your promotional activities and boost your revenue. Supported platforms include, Expedia, Goibibo, MG Jarvis, and Agoda.


Revenue Management

Dynamic Pricing
Implement per-room Dynamic Pricing based on seasons and demand. Rates auto-update on all connected channels, including booking engine and OTAs, following your set dynamic rules.

Revenue Control
With the Revenue Control feature, set up dynamic pricing based on your property’s occupancy levels, allowing you to maximize your revenue while maintaining optimal occupancy rates.

Central Reservation System (CRS)

Stay View
Stay View is a comprehensive dashboard which shows a calendar view of your inventory with bookings, giving you a quick and detailed overview of your bookings at a glance.

Mobile Booking Management
Confirm your bookings securely by sharing payment links with time limits and manage them through your Mobile App.

Confirm Bookings securely
Confirm your bookings securely by sending unique payment links to guests with time limits for payments, ensuring that you receive timely and secure payments.


Secure payment processing
Secure Payment processing in your distribution system, generating safety payment links, covering accommodation and booked services. The feature is accessible to integrated Payment Gateway users.

Credit card retrieval
Secure your payments, adhering to PCI DSS Compliance and SCA guidelines. It securely retrieves credit card details from OTAs and provides access through the channel manager 24 hours after the guest departure.

Connected to over 50+ Payment Gateways
Stay connected to over 50 payment gateways, allowing you to easily process secure online payments from various sources.

PCI DSS compliant
The advanced Channel Manager is PCI DSS compliant, ensuring that all payment processing is secure and meets international standards for data security.


Channel Insights
Channel Insights offers detailed performance data across booking channels. Track bookings, revenue, and lead time by channel to pinpoint strengths and areas for enhancement. Make informed decisions for optimized distribution and revenue growth.

Property overview dashboard
The Insights feature in the system provides a comprehensive Property Overview dashboard that allows easy tracking and enables you to analyze your performance across different channels and periods.

Exceptional Customer Support

Onboarding support
The Partner Service Team assists with onboarding, guiding account setup, channel connection, and configuration. They offer training and ongoing support for maximizing platform benefits.

Customer Support
Obtain after-sales support through various channels, including telephone, email, and chat, to assist customers with any queries or issues they may have after onboarding.

Training to New Management
Get quality training to new property management systems for effective use of the Channel Manager and optimize distribution. The aim is to boost confidence in using the platform and maximize business potential.


Make smarter pricing decisions

Improve the functionality of your STAAH Max Channel Manager with RateSTalk, the smart and user-friendly solution for monitoring competitor rates.

RateSTalk will show you rates of up to five competitors for any seven-day period on your STAAH Channel Manager. Your team will love RateSTalk, as its easy to set up and has a user-friendly interface. The widget helps you save time, stay one step ahead of your competitors when it comes to pricing and increase profitability.

Partner Stories and Experiences


A channel manager is a hotel software technology that connects your property to OTAs and other online distribution channels. A conduit between your Property Management System and online channels, the role of a channel manager is to ensure that all connected channels have the most up to date inventory and rates. Smarter channel managers such as STAAH Max go a step further to introduce dynamic pricing to optimise revenue, whilst ensuring updates are real-time and errors next to nil.

There are many factors that come together to define a good channel manager. Here are a few features you must look at when choosing your channel manager software:

  1. Fast connectivity with OTAs (real-time/ two-way updates), enabled by being cloud-based. Slow connection equates to slower updates across channels with increased probability of errors.

  2. Integrations are important, not just with OTAs but also other hospitality technology partners such as PMS, RMS, payment gateways etc to ensure a seamless guest booking experience. Check for regional as well as global OTAs in a channel manager’s network to ensure you have the best coverage possible for your target audience.

  3. Easy to use and good customer support. There is nothing more frustrating than technology that soaks up your (and your team’s) time as opposed to saving it!

  4. Secure. Look for the highest certificate in security (PCI DSS) to safeguard your guests’ data.

  5. Detailed, but easy to understand, reports on top-performing channels and profitability.
No. Most channel managers have a fixed subscription-based fee model. Hoteliers don’t pay per booking to channel managers.
Channel management software is no a longer a nice-to-have for hoteliers. It is an essential technology that every modern hotelier must invest in to reach their guests and get more bookings. Some of the key reasons to invest in a channel manager are:
  • Better reach as you can connect to the hundreds of OTAs at ease, your channel manager is integrated with all those OTAs worldwide
  • Fewer booking errors or double bookings as the process to update rates and inventory across multiple channels is automated via a quick API update
  • Free up your team to focus on improving guest experience as opposed to manual tasks of updating OTAs
  • Insightful reporting to make more informed decisions on rates
Advanced features such as dynamic pricing, OTA promotions etc
  1. Channel conflict that typically arises when you have a complex online channel structure. This often manifests itself between channel partners and direct or indirect hotel sales teams.

  2. Choosing the wrong technology partner. Without the right partner, technology can become a debt rather than an asset. Invest wisely!

  3. Underperforming partners. Not all partners perform the same continually. A good strategy should regularly evaluate which channels are yielding the best results. It is important to continually look at data to inform decision making.

  4. Static pricing instead of leaping forward with the smarter way to optimise revenue – dynamic pricing.

Efficient distribution is fundamental for the long-term health of your hotel. An efficient hotel distribution strategy enables the building of an optimal channel mix and ensures you’re making the most of your channel manager to beef up the bottom line. The key aspects of a distribution strategy are:

  • Channel mix, alignment to business goals and visibility
  • Cost of acquisition
  • Understanding the target audience
  • Smart rate planning

Read our blog on channel strategy and start creating your optimal distribution strategy.

STAAH Max Channel Manager is integrated with over 100+ Property Management Systems across the globe. The full list is here.

Yes, STAAH Max Channel Manager is connected to 200+ top and regional OTAs across the globe.

STAAH Max Channel Manager is integrated with all the leading Global Distribution Systems worldwide. Schedule a free demo


How To Set Up Your Channel Manager Like A Pro

An easy guide on how to set up this technology to your property’s advantage using the STAAH platform and ensure you’re using its latest features to get the results you desire.

Is your Channel Manager working as hard as it could

Inventory distribution has never been easier, thanks to the hotel channel manager. But are you making the most of this powerful technology?


A Hotel Channel Manager plays a key role in streamlining online distribution. It serves as a centralized control hub…
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